28 November 2008

Another thanksgiving conversation...

Yesterday, my cousin, uncle and I were talking about the meaning of life. We came up with the idea that everything can be anything we want it to be; it is just our imagination and perspective, anyway. We decide what things are and how to react to them, and nothing acts on its own because of this.

? ? ? ? ?

We also thought that since we can see things different ways, that everything has no self-purpose, freedom, actual meaning, or ability to act independently, and so this means that everything must be void and impossible. There is no such thing as the Eiffel Tower; it is only an authentic construction thought of by the architect, and can't exist as one item because people have different opinions of it. Am I making any sense? Comment on your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

You had a deep philosophical conversation that I had it by myself, asking the the same question, meaning of life. It makes sense.

There are so many different perspectives to look at this question, since all the big philosophers asked the same question... must be the hardest question of all times :)

For me, since I am in the social science field for so long, I am thinking in terms of social construction of reality. In that case, if a society or a community likes to call something "Eiffel Tower", if they attach a meaning and purpose to that object, if it has a history related to these people, that object "exists". It doesn't matter if it exists in the positivist sense, sometimes :)

Language is the same, it is the humans' creation. A word has a meaning, because people attached a meaning to it together as a society. Eventhough in the positivist sense, it is just a sequence of letters.

It is always fun to have such conversations, not in class though :))


The Coin Collector said...

I agree DB!

JPT said...

To be honest, i dont even get it! :P gtg do homkework!