29 November 2008

Digital Art

Well, I have this Program on my laptop Called GIMPshop, where you can make awseome digital art. You can go on devaintArt and Dowload Brushes. After you have successfully run GIMPshop for the first time, You can then save and extract brushes in the brush folder! Here is the link to download.com. Don't worry, It's a free program that claims to be a clone of photoshop. Its a bit harder though! I hop you enjoy it! I am giving you the link directly to the download page, so the second you click it, It will ask you to download! Have fun!



By no way is the Favorite thing blog responsible for computer crashes(Most likely on old computers or Macintosh), loss of memory on the computer, or computer failure. If you have popups disabled, you will not be allowed to download GIMPshop.

28 November 2008

Another thanksgiving conversation...

Yesterday, my cousin, uncle and I were talking about the meaning of life. We came up with the idea that everything can be anything we want it to be; it is just our imagination and perspective, anyway. We decide what things are and how to react to them, and nothing acts on its own because of this.

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We also thought that since we can see things different ways, that everything has no self-purpose, freedom, actual meaning, or ability to act independently, and so this means that everything must be void and impossible. There is no such thing as the Eiffel Tower; it is only an authentic construction thought of by the architect, and can't exist as one item because people have different opinions of it. Am I making any sense? Comment on your thoughts.

27 November 2008

Hey guys-

I'm learning more about HTML script and discovered why the blog loaded so slowly... Fixed it! Now it doesn't ask to install stupid things anymore. I have no idea what that was about, but it had to do with the clock. I made it simpler, and now it stopped installing things! Thank goodness!