OK. This is about how to make words bold, underlined, etc. when making comments, or in other situations without a bold button or underline button, etc. All you have to do is use what are called HTML Tags, which change the font, or do other commands. To make words bold, for example, start the sentence with the less than sign (<), then b, then greater than(>). (this starts bold) and type what you want to be bold. Then, when you want to stop bold, just do this: less than, then forward slash, then b, then greater than.
The stuff then appears bold.
To make it italic, then just replace the b in the <> at the beginning with i, and the b in the > at the end with i. this makes Italics!!!!!!!!!!!!! like this...
Do the same thing with u for underline. the result looks like this:
THERE. That was your lesson for today. Questions? Comment on this post.
Thank you sensei. Here is my practice of this lesson :)
Oh, very good. I will post the next HTML lesson.
Keep up the good work.
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